The FORE Tour
Unofficially Sponsored by La Prima Tequila
A 3-Day Tour to FOrget REality
Tour Rules & Regulations
Below are the rules & regulations of the FORE Tour Golf Tournament. They take precedence over any other golf rules & regulations. In the event a FORE Tour regulation cannot determine a solution or outcome, the USGA rules & regulations will then apply for resolution.
It is the responsibility of EVERY Player on the Tour to know and abide by these rules & regulations. It is the Team Captain's responsibility to also govern his team and hold accountable to the regulations set forth in Section 4: FORE Tour Regulation Play.
TABLE OF CONTENTS (Click each Section link to auto scroll to that regulation):
(2.0) The Tour Commissioner
(2.1) The Tour Director
(2.3) Other Executives
(3.0) Honesty & Integrity
(3.1) The Tour & The Tournaments
(3.2) Golf Course Selection
(3.3) Player Invitations & Registration
(3.4) Liability
(3.5) Tour Calibers
(3.6) Team Creation
(3.7) Player Substitutions
(3.8) Player Cancellations
(3.9) FORE Tour Payments
(3.10) Medal Ceremonies
(4.0) Objective
(4.1) Course Setup
(4.2) Format
(4.3) Playoffs
(4.4) Tee Times
(4.5) Shotgun Starts
(4.6) Weather Delays & Rain Outs
(4.7) Scorecards
(4.8) Players Equipment
(4.9) Ball Marking
(4.10) Non-Committal Putting
(4.11) Mulligans and Extra Practice Strokes
(4.12) Ball Search
(4.13) Out-of-Bounds
(4.14) Drops
(4.15) Relief
(4.16) Reasonable Pace of Play
(4.17) Horseplay and Course Negligence
(5.0) Playoff Structure
(5.1) Putt-Off Match
(5.2) Extra Hole Match Play
(6.0) Eligibility
(6.1) Awards
(6.2) Contests & Rewards
(6.3) Hole-in-Ones
(6.4) Exemption From ALL Contests, Awards, Rewards, & Hole-in-Ones
(6.5) Rewards Earned When A Player Leaves in Good Standing
(1) Tournament - the entire day's round of golf + the playoffs match + additional contests or matches.
(2) Round - the minimum of 9 of the same holes of golf completed by ALL teams up to 18 of the same holes of golf completed by ALL teams.
(3) Match - the golf competition happening within the Tournament; ex: 4-man team scramble, playoff putt-off/extra holes matches, stroke play, etc.
(4) Contest - the side games being played during the Tournament; ex: Skins, Deuces, Hole-in-Ones, Closest to the Pin, etc.
(5) Scramble - Teams of 2-4 players compete against other teams in a "best ball" format. Each player on a team hits their own ball on every lie, but always plays from the spot where the best team ball is on the course.
(6) Tour Executive - any Commissioner appointed representative of the FORE Tour that assists with the actual Tour.
(7) Putting hole - the hole that all golfers putt at in order to put the ball into that hole.
(8) Sudden Death - the name that represents additional playoff rounds after one playoff match has been played and no winner determined.
(9) Tour handicap - FORE Tour provision allowing a team to take extra strokes due to not having the equal amount of players as the other teams before a Tournament begins.
(2.0) The Tour Commissioner: The Tour Commissioner oversees the entire 3-Day Tour and the Executives. Final decisions, approvals/denials, and overrides on ALL FORE Tour regulations can be made by the Commissioner, without Committee approval, as long as they are executed with the fairest intent toward all players and teams. The Commissioner can assemble his Executive Team (Executive Committee) to execute final decisions if needed.
(2.1) The Tour Director: The Tour Director manages everything related to the FORE Tour golf tournaments. All of the rules & regulations below are governed by the Tour Director. He handles all questions, disputes, or requests pertaining to golf and the Tournaments.
(2.3) Other Executives: Any other Tour Executive, such as the Tour Assistant or Treasurer, can assist the Tour Director during the Tournaments, if needed. The Commissioner has the right to appoint a Tour Executive at any point to assist with the Tour.
(3.0) Honesty & Integrity: The FORE Tour is built on honesty and integrity during Tournament play. The Tour has created these rules & regulations to commit to our players that the Tour will be fair, honest, and protect the integrity of golf and our Tournaments. In return, all players are asked to be "Men of Honesty and Integrity" on the Tour and commit to these rules, as well as compete fairly and hold themselves accountable to doing what's right when playing the game. Players who are found not acting as Men of Honesty & Integrity will be issued an automatic team disqualification for that Tournament as well as possible dismissal from the Tour (or a warning issued based on level of severity by the Commissioner) with future invitations to the Tour revoked.
(3.1) The Tour & The Tournaments: The FORE Tour is a 3-day golf Tour with each day hosting it's own individual Tournament (3 total Tournaments). The 3 Tournaments are:
Day 1 - The Memorial Tournament
Day 2 - The Masters of Pine Lakes Tournament (The Major Tournament)
Day 3 - The Players Tournament
Every Tournament on the Tour will be a minimum of 9 of the same holes of golf played by ALL teams with the main objective of completing 18-holes of golf per day (including additional playoff holes if necessary). Completing the minimum of 9 of the same holes by ALL teams is equivalent to one round of golf and will count as a legitimate FORE Tour Tournament on record. Teams compete in a Team "best ball" Scramble format. One winning team, per legitimate Tournament, will be declared based on the lowest score turned in.
Teams will also have a chance to win rewards and awards by winning the Tournaments and contests within the Tournaments. (See Section 6: Contests, Awards & Rewards).
(3.2) Golf Course Selection: Before the Tour begins, 3 different golf courses will be selected by the Tour Commissioner to compete on during the 3-day Tour. One pre-selected and pre-scheduled golf course will be played per day. Courses will be selected from the Penn-Ohio Golf Trail as part of our Pine Lakes golf package. Each year, 2 out of 3 golf courses are selected that have never been played before on the Tour OR haven't been played on the Tour within 5 years from the last time played. The only golf course we play every year on Day 2 is Pine Lakes Golf Club, the host of our golf package and the location of our Major Tournament, The Masters of Pine Lakes.
(3.3) Player Invitations & Registration: Players are only allowed to play in The FORE Tour if extended an invitation by the Tour Commissioner. The Commissioner has the right to invite whoever he chooses to play in the Tour that year, and that decision supersedes everything, regardless of Player Tour tenure, Player in good standing, amount of awards a Player earned, any "lifetime" or "set year(s)" rewards earned by a Player, and any contributions made toward the Tour throughout the years by a Player. Players who are extended this invitation and accept must fill out the Tour Registration Form and submit their $50 deposit by the Tour deadline. Player registration creates your player profile and leads to team creation.
(3.4) Liability: The Tour Registration Form is also a liability waiver and all players are personally liable for their own actions on the Tour. The Tour is held harmless from player personal actions. Player actions that deem to cause harm on the Tour will result in Tour disciplinary actions, including disqualifications, charges, penalties, player dismissal from the Tour, or permanent exemption from the Tour. All disciplinary actions are decided and carried out by the Commissioner after the player has had the opportunity to state their case.
(3.5) Tour Calibers: On the Tour Registration Form, players will submit a player caliber in the form of a letter (ex: A,B,C,D) that represents their level of play. Calibers are to be submitted through honesty and integrity, and to the best of the player's knowledge through their most recent play on the golf course or driving range. Acceptable "most recent experience or play" is how well you golfed + how may times you played over the last 1-year period from registering to The FORE Tour.
FORE Tour calibers through an average of 9 holes of play over the last year:
"A" = 42 & under score
"B" = 43-48 score
"C" = 49-53 score
"D" = 54 & over score
(3.6) Team Creation: Before the Tour begins, teams will be created in the utmost fairness by the Tour Commissioner in accordance to calibers submitted by each player. The Executive Committee has the right to adjust player calibers, if agreed upon, when deemed a player may be higher or lower than the caliber submitted in order to ensure fairness. Teams are built through a caliber point system ("A" = 1, "B" = 2, "C" = 3, "D" = 4) and arranged to mathematically equivalent across teams (or to the best it can be ensure fairness across all teams). Each team will be assigned 1 Captain, and those Captains will be determined based on player rankings (Ranks 1-9). Players will then be placed on teams in accordance to their overall calibers and rankings within those calibers. Unless an exception needs to be made by the Tour Commissioner, players will be teamed up where no player plays with the same player again throughout the FORE Tour.
(3.7) Player Substitutions: Player substitutions may occur when a registered FORE Tour player cannot play in all 3 Tournaments on the Tour. In order to be CONSIDERED for approval to still play in the Tour and have player substitution, the Player will only be allowed to miss one day. If the Player knows it will be more than one day, the Player will withdrawal from the Tour and a Replacement Player will be found to play in the entire 3-Day Tour. Here are the likely scenarios and regulations for player substitution:
(3.7.a) Player Substitution Known Before Player Registration: Before registering for the Tour, players that are invited and considering playing, but know they will miss time on the Tour, must notify the Commissioner in advance before being accepted to play on the Tour. If approved to play, the Commissioner will allow the player to play during the agreed upon timetable and will find a suitable, fair substitution, if any, to fill in the remaining missed time of the player. If a substitution cannot be obtained to fill a players missed time BEFORE THE TOURNAMENT BEGINS, the team(s) that would have the absent player will be issued a "Tour Handicap" (See Regulation (3.7.e) Tour Handicap Rule).
Responsibilities of the Player & Substitute under under Regulation (3.7.a): The Player is still responsible for the entire cost of the player package owed to Pine Lakes. The Substitute is responsible for paying the $20 entry fee per day that he is a substitute, and this entry fee will reduce the Player's total entry fee by $20.
(3.7.b) Player Substitution Known After Player Registration: Players that are registered to play, but found out afterward that they will miss time on the Tour, must notify the Commissioner and will be under re-consideration to play on the Tour. If approved to play still, the Commissioner will allow the player to play during the agreed upon timetable and will find a suitable, fair substitution, if any, to fill in the remaining missed time of the player. If a substitution cannot be obtained to fill a players missed time BEFORE THE TOURNAMENT BEGINS, the team(s) that would have the absent player will be issued a "Tour handicap" and will be allowed to hit 1 extra shot per lie throughout the Tournament(s). Each time the extra shot is to be taken, EACH player on that team will rotate turns on EVERY attempt per lie, as well as account for the players order of rotation, and every caliber player is allowed to hit the extra shots.
Responsibilities of the Player & Substitute under under Regulation (3.7.b): The Player is still responsible for the entire cost of the player package owed to Pine Lakes. The Substitute is responsible for paying the $20 entry fee per day that he is a substitute, and this entry fee will reduce the Player's total entry fee by $20.
(3.7.c) Player Substitution During The Tour: Players that have a situation occur where they can no longer play in the Tour, the Commissioner decisions will be based on the following scenarios:
1) Player found out between Tournaments that he can no longer play: Commissioner will either find a last minute substitution for the remaining Tournaments OR move forward with issuing the Tour Handicap Rule for that player's teams during the remaining Tournaments.
2) Player found out during a Tournament that he can no longer play: The ruling is NO Tour Handicap will be issued for that team the remainder of the Tournament and the remaining players can only hit their shots; no extra shot. After that Tournament concludes, the Commissioner will either find a last minute substitution for the remaining Tournaments OR move forward with issuing the Tour Handicap Rule for that player's teams during the remaining Tournaments.
Responsibilities of the Player & Substitute under Regulation (3.7.c): The Player is still responsible for the entire cost of the player package owed to Pine Lakes. The Substitute is responsible for paying the $20 entry fee per day that he is a substitute, and this entry fee will be used to pay some entry money back to the Player who can no longer play.
(3.7.d) Team Captain Substitutions: A Team Captain is subject to ALL Player Substitution rules and processes above. The Commissioner will appoint new Team Captain(s) for that team for the remaining Tournaments, and those new Team Captains will be accountable for all Team Captain responsibilities. In regards to the Masters of Pine Lakes Major Tournament, Team Captain #9 may be temporarily demoted for that day and substituted by the winning Captain of the previous year's Pine Lakes Cup. Per rule, winners of the Pine Lakes Cup guarantees the same team & Team Captain the following year in order to defend their title, and hence, that Team Captain will need to return to one of the current Team Captain positions (Team #9) during the Pine Lakes Major Tournament. If the Pine Lakes Cup winning Captain from the previous year is already a Team Captain this coming year, then there is no need for substitution.
Also, in the best interest of the Tour, Team Captains may be replaced or demoted FOR ANY REASON and any Player may be promoted to Team Captain on a temporary or permanent basis.
(3.7.e) Tour Handicap Rule: The Tour Handicap, once approved by the Tour Director, may be applied to teams who will not have a player(s) playing during the ENTIRE day's Tournament. If approved, a team will be allowed to have one (or possibly multiple) players hit one extra shot per lie throughout the Tournament(s). The player(s) approved to take extra shots will be of equal caliber to the player(s) that is absent from their team. If there is no equal caliber player, then the approved player will be the closest available player(s) to that caliber. If the absent player's caliber is in between other calibers, then those surrounding calibers will take the extra shots by rotating EACH HOLE, NOT STROKE. Also, all approved players taking extra strokes cannot take back-to-back shots and must have at least one other player rotate in and shoot between any two shots taken by the approved player.
The Tour Handicap will NOT be issued to teams that have a player who hits at least one shot and leaves the Tournament, nor will it be issued if a player is known to come late to the Tournament and start playing. The Tour Handicap issued to teams that end up having a player unknowingly come back late to play will be allowed to have their player enter the Tournament and their Tour Handicap expires once that player begins play. The Commissioner has the right to override the scenarios listed above and create/issue a different Tour Handicap scenario in an effort to make that Team as fair as possible.
(3.7.f) Substitute Permissions: All substitutes that play in at least one Tournament will be considered a FORE Tour member that year and will be treated as such. Substitutes are permitted to win contests, awards, and rewards. Substitutes are also granted permitted to enjoy the entire 3-Days of the Tour and have the right to help work or observe the golf tournaments they are not playing in, enjoy the mansion accommodations and stay overnights (though the original Player has the right to the assigned bed when they are present and the Substitute would have to resort to a couch), and/or attend the traditional FORE Tour Players Dinner on Friday night. However, the Welcome Goodie Bags, the FORE Tour attire, and any other Player reserved perks will not be available for the Substitute to acquire.
(3.7.g) Refunds For Missed Play: No refunds will be issued to any player or Team Captain who needs to leave the Tour for any reason, at any time. Players and Substitutions will be held accountable for their responsibilities listed in Regulations (3.7.a), (3.7.b), (3.7.c), and (3.7.d). Failure to agree to these responsibilities will result in dismissal from the Tour and exemption from future Tours.
(3.8) Player Cancellations: Players must notify the Commissioner immediately upon the decision to cancel their Tour package in it's entirety before the Tour begins. Any cancellations that occur before the month of April, the Commissioner will request a refund from Pine Lakes (not guaranteed). Any cancellations within the month of April may result in forfeiture of money paid toward their golf package. If a replacement player can be found by the Commissioner, there may be an opportunity to get money paid back (partially or fully) if it's outside of the 10-day Tour-Day window (10 days before the Tour begins). Any cancellations made within the Tour-Day window, players will forfeit all of their money paid. Please understand that finding players to fill in and come up with $500+ last minute can be very difficult, the amount of time to fairly create teams and room assignments would need to be re-done last minute, and perks & other specialty-ordered items have already been ordered on that player's behalf. So no refunds within the 10-day Tour-Day window.
(3.9) FORE Tour Payments: All players who wish to attend the FORE Tour must have their $50 deposits paid on time, no exceptions. Failure to make this payment on time will open up the opportunity for a new invite to take their spot. Once paid, all players committed to going on the FORE Tour must have ALL remaining payments paid by the set deadlines that are given by the Tour. Failure to make these payments by these deadlines may result in the Tour cancelling your registration and issuing a refund of your Tour package from Pine Lakes. Failure to pay the remaining "Tour entry fee" owed upon arrival of the Tour will result in that player being dismissed from play for that day and will continue to be dismissed from future play until the entry fee is paid in full. Tour entry fees are not considered part of the Pine Lakes golf package/FORE Tour membership reward. Tour entry fees are paid in addition to the golf package are are paid in order to be eligible to win contests, awards, rewards, and receive perks.
(3.10) Medal Ceremonies: In addition to the actual Golf Tournaments, Medal Ceremonies are a major part of the Tour and all players are REQUIRED to attend. Medal Ceremonies are conducted each day after the Tournament ends in order to honor teams and players with their accomplishments in the field that day. Supporting ALL players on the Tour and maintaining the Tour comradery is what contributes to the overall success of the Tour and what it stands for. Players who do not attend Medal Ceremonies display lack of comradery and support, and in return will not be welcome back to future Tours. In the event a golf Tournament postpones a Medal Ceremony, special exceptions can be made for players unable to attend the newly scheduled time and/or location.
(4.0) Objective: To complete the minimum amount of 9 holes (1 round) or up to 18 holes max to count as a legitimate FORE Tour Tournament on record. One winning team will be declared based on the lowest score turned in (See Regulation (3.1) The Tour & The Tournaments for the main overview).
(4.1) Course Setup: Tee boxes will be determined by the Executive Committee before that day's Tournament begins (before the first team tee's off that day). Tee boxes may be moved by the Tour Director for any Tour related purpose, but can only be moved before ANY one team tees off on that particular hole(s). Pin locations are determined and set by the actual golf courses, not the Tour.
(4.2) Format: Teams will compete in a Team "best ball" Scramble format in every Tournament. Per lie, which includes teeing off, each player will take one stroke each. After everyone has hit, the team will then decide to play the next shot from the teammate's ball they feel is the best ball on the hole in order to get the best result (lowest possible score). One club length can be used when playing from the “best ball” without improving the lie or advancing the ball. Lowest team score turned in through a minimum 9-holes wins the Tournament. Teams will also tee off from the same tee boxes and in a pre-determined order, with the traditional format of play being every team starts on hole #1 and waits till their tee off time to start play. (For the special format rules in which teams tee off on different holes to start, see Regulation (4.5) Shotgun Starts)
(4.3) Playoffs: All 3 FORE Tour tournaments must end with only one team declared a winner each day. Playoffs will occur in the event teams are tied for the lowest score and an overall winning team needs to be declared. (See Section 4: The FORE Tour Playoffs)
(4.4) Tee Times: In the event tee times have been given, players must abide by their set time and be present to begin their round at that set time. If a player(s) doesn't have their full team together when their tee time begins, that player(s) will have to golf with their current team without taking additional strokes (the Handicap Rule (3.7.e) will not apply). Once your additional player(s) arrive, they will be able to compete on that team on the next available stroke or lie. If by chance the entire team is not present for their tee time, that team will automatically be moved to the last tee time in that Tournament and will be issued a +2 penalty to their score for delaying the Tour.
(4.5) Shotgun Starts: IMPORTANT: The Shotgun Start format will supersede and/or replace the traditional FORE Tour regulation format (See Regulation (4.2) Format) if this particular format is chosen to be played in a Tournament. Though not often, we do inquire to our golf courses to find out if we are able to implement the Shotgun Start format. If allowed, Regulation (4.5.a) Same Hole Play will apply to our traditional regulation play rules (See Section 4: FORE Tour Regulation Play) will be used for that Tournament.
(4.5.a) Same Hole Play Rule: Due to the players teeing off on different holes, ALL Players must complete a minimum of 9 of the SAME holes to count as a legitimate Tournament on record. Additional mutual holes completed by ALL teams will also count toward the score, rewards, and awards earned. (ex: If ALL teams submitted scores from 12 mutually played holes then the day's Tournament winners and all applicable awards and rewards will be based on the scores from those 12 mutually played holes)
(4.6) Weather Delays & Rain Outs:
ALL teams must complete the minimum 9 of the same holes to be considered a complete Tournament, otherwise no Tournament has taken place and no winners or losers will be declared. Also, if there's no record of a complete Tournament then no contest rewards and awards will be honored toward holes played.
(4.6.a) In the Event of a Weather Delay: After a Tournament has already begun, a weather delay is a temporary break or pause in a golf Tournament in which teams are unable to play on the account of bad weather. Play may or may not eventually resume, and depending on the length of delay and permissible daylight playing time, it may cause the match format to change in order to have a completed Tournament that day. Once the minimum 9-holes is completed by ALL teams, these holes plus any additional holes completed by ALL teams will count toward contests, awards, and rewards. If the Tournament cannot be declared a minimum 9-hole Tournament on record, then all contest rewards will be carried over to the next day's Tournament (Day 1 & Day 2 this applies). If it's the Day 3 Players Tournament, then all contest rewards are forfeited to the Tour and the best decision will be made as to where that money gets allocated that same year or the following year. As for awards, no awards will be awarded or carried over.
(4.6.b) In the Event of a Rain Out: A rain out is when a Tournament cannot begin or needs to end for the day on the account of bad weather. Simply, a Tournament that could never begin is a non-Tournament. If the Tournament cannot be declared a minimum 9-hole Tournament on record, then all contest rewards will be carried over to the next day's Tournament (Day 1 & Day 2 this applies). If it's the Day 3 Players Tournament, then all contest rewards are forfeited to the Tour and the best decision will be made as to where that money gets allocated that same year or the following year. As for awards, no awards will be awarded or carried over. If the Tournament needs to end for the day, then as long as the minimum 9-holes has been played by ALL teams a Tournament will be complete and awards and rewards will be earned based on the total number of holes completed by ALL teams. Lastly, it is the Pine Lake's Package policy to have the golf course(s) either issue our group a rain check to come back and play on the player's own time OR our group can roll that course(s) over to neXt year's package and we'd have a discounted package that year.
(4.7) Scorecards: It is the responsibility of the Team Captain to obtain the golf course(s) official scorecard, to fill out all legitimate scores per hole, sign the scorecard, and to submit the team's final scorecard to the Tour Assistant. It is NOT the Tour Assistant's responsibility to make sure scorecards are turned in after each round. Responsibility transfers to the Tour Assistant once your scorecard has been submitted. Once submitted, ALL SCORES ARE FINAL and cannot be adjusted. The Tour Assistant will confirm all scores are accounted for and legitimate. Any hole with a non-recorded team score will result in a 2-stroke penalty above par on that hole. Any scorecard not submitted to the Tour Assistant within 1 hour after the Tournament ends will result in a "failure to submit scorecard" and that team will be disqualified from that Tournament, which includes all awards, contests, rewards, and recognition.
(4.8) Players Equipment: All players must have their own golf clubs to play on the FORE Tour, though you can borrow or use clubs and other equipment from other players. There is no set limit on the number of golf clubs, balls, or other golf equipment allowed in a player's bag during play. Currently, there are no set restrictions on types of golf clubs, balls, or other golf equipment that can be used. However, the Tour Director can choose to ban any golf equipment if they feel it's deemed an unfair advantage.
(4.9) Ball Marking: On the green, it’s mandatory to place a ball marker in place of the ball that's chosen to putt from before taking ANY putts. All putts will take place within 6 inches from the ball marker, either side of it based on the player’s choice when putting. Players do not have to mark their balls while putting is taking place. However, in regards to situations where a ball hits another teammates ball when putting, the ball that was hit must be moved back to it's original lie before it was hit. The ball that was putted will remain where it landed. Also, when approaching the green, if a ball moves from it's lie before marking the ball it must be played from the new lie.
(4.10) Non-Committal Putting: Players are not allowed to take non-committal putts for any reason. The only putt allowed to be taken by a player during play is the putt (ball lie) the team has committed to playing. Non-committal putts include practice putts toward the hole (unless the hole is already completed by that team with a legitimate score) and any putt stroke or approach that goes toward the hole that hasn't been deemed committed.
(4.11) Mulligans and Extra Practice Strokes: Taking mulligans or extra practice strokes is forbidden on the Tour. If a team is caught in the act of taking extra strokes not permitted by the Tour Director or Commissioner, they will be penalized 1 stroke on the score of that hole, per hole(s) where the mulligans and extra strokes were taken.
(4.12) Ball Search: Reasonable time to search for a player's ball on The FORE Tour is 5 minutes max. After that, reasonable time has expired and the ball is considered lost. The team must then choose a teammate's ball that is not lost and hit their next shot from that lie. Any team spending more than the reasonable time allotted may be penalized one stroke on that hole for slow play per the discretion of the Tour Director.
(4.13) Out-of-Bounds: We do NOT regulate the "out-of-bounds" rule on the golf courses. A player's ball is considered "in play" from anywhere on the course or it's surroundings as long as it is can be played. The only time the ball will be considered "unplayable" or "out-of-bounds" is if the ball has been found on private property. It must then be picked up and either dropped (See Regulation (4.14) Drops) near the closest point of being considered "in bounds" (not on private property) without improving the lie, or the team must play another teammates ball on the course.
(4.14) Drops: Without improving the lie, a ball may be dropped in the surrounding area the ball was presumed last seen in play and must take a 1-stroke penalty. If a ball enters a water hazard and there is a designated drop area, then that team must play from the designated drop area including a 1-stroke penalty.
(4.15) Relief: On every lie, with the exception of putting on the green, one club length can be used without improving the lie without penalty. Balls can be removed from cart paths and played from one club length off the path. Relief can also be taken from objects that are considered "man made" without a penalty (ex: retaining walls, the club house, parking lot, port-o-pottys, signs, benches, etc.)
(4.16) Reasonable Pace of Play: Please keep your pace of play to a reasonable time, which means you should still be able to see the team in front of you. If you don't see the team in front of you, please do your best to pick up your pace of play to catch up. The reasonable amount of time to finish your round after the team in front of you has finished is within 30 minutes. Failure to do so may result in a +2 stroke penalty (at the Commissioners discretion based on reasoning). Please communicate to the Tour Director and/or Commissioner IN ADVANCE if there is a delay to help avoid the penalty.
(4.17) Horseplay and Course Negligence: Players who fail to abide by the rules of the golf courses and the Tour, who cause damage to the course and/or private property, who horseplay with extreme intent to disrupt or ruin a team's performance (such as, but not limited to, making noise when a player is taking their shot), or who exert themselves in any behavior that jeopardizes the group and the Tour will be immediately dismissed from that day's Tournament, with possible dismissal from the remaining Tour and/or banishment from the Tour.
(5.0) Playoff Structure: A Playoff match will occur at the end of regulation play when any team is tied for the lowest score with another team(s).
Playoff Structure:
Tour Day 1 = Putt-Off Match
Tour Day 2 @ Pine Lakes = Extra Hole Match Play (with possible Putt-Off Match substitution or conclusion)
Tour Day 3 = Putt-Off Match
(5.1.a) Objective: After regulation play has ended, a Putt-Off match will be played among teams that tied with the lowest score during a legitimate round of golf in order to determine one winning team of the Tournament.
(5.1.b) Setup: The Tour Director will select one green to conduct the Putt-Off on and select one hole located on that green as the putting hole. The putt will be long to allow for quicker/easier elimination of teams. The Tour Director will also select the spot(s) each team will putt from. Pins may be left in or out per each team's attempt.
(5.1.c) Eligibility: All teams that tied with the lowest score during an legitimate round of golf are eligible for the Putt-Off match. All players on those teams are eligible to participate as long as they are present before the very last putt has been taken by all players on all teams that are currently playing. If any of your players are not present before this, your team will only be able to play with the amount of team members you have present; no additional putts. Someone leaving the course FOR ANY REASON when the tournament is not over is not the other team’s fault and cannot be used for any competitive advantage for that team missing their player(s). Also, if a player was not present during that day's Putt-Off and the Putt-Off couldn't take place or resume for any reason, that player will be deemed eligible to play in the continuance of this Putt-Off make-up match the following morning if he has returned to play.
(5.1.d) Format: The Putt-Off is a “closest-to-the-hole team scramble” format. Alternating one player per team after each putt, all eligible players will take ONE putt only from the same lie (within 6 inches). After a player takes their putt, they must mark (with a ball marker) the spot where their ball has stopped (if deemed the best ball so far). The next team has their next player putt. This process continues until all players on all teams have taken one putt each. The team that has one of their player's balls closest to the hole wins the match and Tournament. If there’s a tie, proceed to Sudden Death rules.
(5.1.e) Sudden Death: In the event that multiple balls from at least two different teams are the same distance away from the hole, then the result is a tie and Sudden Death will occur. The Tour Director will pick a different hole to putt to and standard Putt-Off rules/format apply. Team with the closest mark/ball to the hole wins the match and Tournament. NOTE: Sudden Death can occur multiple times until a winner is decided.
(5.1.f) Weather Delays & Rain Outs: In the event of a weather delay, the Putt-Off will be scheduled to resume as soon as play can resume. If time expires and the Tournament needs to end before the weather delay is over, or if a rain out occurs and play cannot resume for the day: If it's the Day 1 Memorial Tournament or the Day 2 Masters of Pine Lakes Tournament, then the Putt-Off will take place the next morning at the new golf course before that day's Tournament begins (See Regulation (5.1.c) on who is eligible to play). If it's the Day 3 Players Tournament, then the overall winning team will be determined based on the lowest score recorded on the hardest handicap hole on that course. If there's a tie score on this hole, then we continue in order of hardest handicap holes until the lowest recorded score is determined between playoff teams.
(5.1.g) Ball Marking: On the green, it’s mandatory to place a ball marker in place of the ball that's chosen to putt from before taking ALL putts. All putts will take place within 6 inches from the ball marker, either side of it based on the player’s choice when putting. Players do not have to mark their balls while putting is taking place, unless it's the best ball so far for that team. However, if there is ever a situation where a ball hits another teammates or competitors ball when putting, the ball that was hit must be moved back to it's original lie before it was hit. The ball that was putted will remain where it landed.
(5.2.a) Objective: After regulation play has ended, Extra Hole match play will be played among teams that tied with the lowest score during a legitimate round of golf in order to determine one winning team in the Tournament.
(5.2.b) Setup: The playoff hole will be played on hole #10, unless a conflict prevents us to use that hole. If there's a conflict, The Tour Director will decide the hole. The same tee boxes will be played as teams did in regulation play. Extra Hole match play does have a time limit of 1 hour and 15 minutes in which to declare a winning team.
(5.2.c) Format: Tour regulation play scramble rules apply and format is to be played (See Regulation (4.2) Format), but on a hole-to-hole basis. If no winner is determined on the first playoff hole played, then teams continue to play an extra hole until a winner is decided or Extra Hole match time has expired. Whichever team has the lowest score wins the match and Tournament. In the event that regulation play has consumed the day to where there isn't enough daylight left to complete at least 1 Extra Hole Match + Sudden Death, then Extra Hole Match Play will be cancelled and the Putt-Off Match will take place instead. Daylight playing time that will be permissible is determined at the sole discretion of the Commissioner 30 minutes before dusk.
(5.2.d) Sudden Death: If no winning team is declared after the Extra Hole match play time expires, teams will enter Sudden Death. Sudden Death regarding Extra Hole match play will be the Tour Putt-Off match and all rules apply (See Regulation (5.2) Putt-Off Match).​​
(5.2.e) Weather Delays & Rain Outs: In the event of a weather delay, the Extra Hole match play will be scheduled to resume as soon as play can resume. If time expires and the Tournament needs to end before the weather delay is over, or if a rain out occurs and play cannot resume for the day: If it's the Day 2 Masters of Pine Lakes Tournament, then a Putt-Off will take place the next morning at the new golf course before that day's Tournament begins (See Regulation (5.1.c) on who is eligible to play).
(6.0) Eligibility: Contests, awards & rewards are given based on team performance per tournament. One legitimate round of golf must be completed by ALL teams in order for the round to be considered contest eligible and rewards/awards distributed. A player does not need to be present to receive awards earned. However, contest rewards earned may be lost if not present during the medal ceremonies.
(6.1) AWARDS:
Fore Tour Awards are given to the overall top performance teams from the Tournaments and are given in the forms of trophies, medals, and recognition. Awards are the symbol of bragging rights, success and domination on the Tour.
(6.1.a) Champion Medals - The team with the lowest score turned in after the Tournament is completed wins the champion medals, one medal per player. Individually, medal winners get inducted into the FORE Tour Medal Room and Tour membership is earned based on the amount of Tournament wins:
Green Membership = 0 Tournament wins; No induction into the Medal Room
Bronze Membership = 1 Tournament win; Inducted in the Medal Room with Honorable Mention status listed
Silver Membership = 2 Tournament wins; Player pictures displayed in the Medal Room along with wins
Gold Membership = 3-5 Tournament wins; Player pictures displayed in the Medal Room along with wins
Platinum Membership = 6-9 Tournament wins; Pics displayed with wins; Induction into the FORE Tour Champions Club
Diamond Membership = 10+ Tournament wins; Pics displayed with wins; Special award and recognition earned
(6.1.b) La Prima Trophy - The team(s) with the highest score turned in after the Tournament is completed wins the La Prima Trophy, one trophy (La Prima tequila shot) per player. In the event of a tie, multiple teams will win the trophy. Individually, La Prima Trophy winners get inducted into the La Prima Trophy Room.
(6.1.c) The Pine Lakes Cup - The Pine Lakes Cup is awarded to the team who wins the FORE Tour's Major Tournament at Pine Lakes. The winning team is declared by having the lowest score turned in after the Tournament is completed. Although the Cup remains at Pine Lakes (or the Commissioner) and is not given to the winners for future safekeeping, their name will be put on a trophy plate and each player on the winning team is rewarded with a special induction and becomes one of the Tour's greatest honors, a Master of Pine Lakes. 3-time Masters of Pine Lakes will qualify for the Champions Club. (coming soon)
Contests are side games in which teams, or players individually, may be rewarded for their excellent play. Rewards earned by a team are paid at the Medal Ceremonies to the Team Captains for player distribution. If the Team Captain isn't present, then one player from that team(s) will be appointed and paid as the Contest Captain, and that player will distribute the rewards to the other players. The Tour is not responsible for players not receiving rewards after they have been distributed to the Team or Contest Captains. Regarding contests, any player who leaves a Tournament for any reason forfeits their right to rewards earned. It's ultimately the decision of the teammates (who are still present) if they wish to reward the player who left.
(6.2.a) Skins Contest: Team(s) with the lowest score (without a tie) on any contest eligible hole(s) played will win a Skin on all holes that meet this criteria. Skin money will be rewarded and each player on these teams will split their team winnings equally. However, to be eligible as a Skin hole all teams must have completed that hole(s). Skins are not eligible as rewards beyond an 18-hole round of golf. (In the event of a rain out, see Regulation (4.6) Weather Delays & Rain Outs)
(6.2.b) Deuces Contest: Team(s) that score a "2" on any hole per round will win a Deuce. A Deuce rewards a team(s) a portion (or the entirety) of the pot of cash set aside for the Deuce contest. Multiple winning teams with Deuces will equally split the pot of cash based on number of Deuces per team, and each player on these teams will split their team winnings equally. If only one team has one (or multiple) Deuces on record during a round than that team wins the entire pot, each player splitting it equally. Deuces are not eligible for rewards beyond an 18-hole round of golf. Hole-in-ones do not count as Deuces, nor do they supersede a Deuce in regards to this contest and are ineligible for Deuce rewards.
If the Day 1 Memorial Tournament and the Day 2 Masters of Pine Lakes Tournament have no Deuces or Skins recorded to declare winners of any of these contests, the pot will carry over to the next day. If it's the Day 3 Players Tournament and there is no Deuce recorded, then the Deuce rewards will double up on the Skins rewards and paid out to Skins winning teams equally. If no Skins that day, then ALL rewards will be forfeited to the Tour and the best decision will be made on distributing that money that same year or using it toward the following year's Tour.
Hole-in-ones are honored by the FORE Tour in the traditional way of a personalized trophy and life-long recognition and induction into the FORE Tour Aces Club.
(6.3.a) Hole-In-One Insurance: Some holes may be sponsored by certain individuals through the Tour, in which Hole-in-One Insurance coverage is provided. In the event there is an insured par-3 hole on record with the Tour, all players will have the chance to win a prize(s) if a witnessed hole-in-one occurs on one of these contest eligible holes. All Hole-In-One Insurance Company rules apply to be eligible.
(6.3.b) FORE Tour Self-Insured Holes: The FORE Tour will follow all Hole-In-One Insurance Company rules and contest eligible requirements in regards to any self-insured FORE Tour holes, with the exception of having a non-player witness at the hole. However, all members on a team must witness the hole-in-one to be eligible for rewards. The FORE Tour has the right to deny claims/rewards for reasons including fraud, cheating, contest manipulation, and any other regulation proven to be broken per Hole-In-One Insurance Company's rules, regulations, and contest eligible requirements.
(6.4) Exemption From ALL Contests, Awards, Rewards, & Hole-in-Ones: The Tour has the right to disqualify teams and players from receiving any award and/or contest reward FOR ANY REASON the Tour deems reasonable and fair. If the Tour offers incentives or rewards that are deemed "lifetime awards or rewards" OR awards or rewards offered for "set amount of years", the Tour has the right to terminate that award or reward if a Player has been banned from the Tour or has their future invitation revoked on the account of breaking the Honesty or Integrity Rule (See Regulation (3.0) Honesty & Integrity), not abiding by any of the FORE Tour Regulations, and not obeying House rules (See the Pine Lakes Contract on the Registration page of our website) and Registration/Liability requirements (See Regulation (3.4) Liability).
(6.5) Rewards Earned When A Player Leaves in Good Standing: A Player who leaves the Tour on good standing for any reason, but wishes to return to the Tour in the future, will NOT be guaranteed an invite in which to collect on their reward, even if the Player has qualified for a "lifetime" or "set year" award/reward. Due to the limited space and invites allowed on the Tour, there may not be an opportunity for that Player to attend that year(s) based on Regulation (3.3) Player Invitations & Registration. However, if the Player is invited back to the Tour in any given year, that earned "lifetime" or "set year" award/reward will be honored as a continuance where it was last recorded and applied by the Tour, and used by the Player.